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Solutions for Repairing Concrete Cancer

Concrete is known for its durability and strength, so it is used universally. Despite its commonality, issues arise when people don't have the necessary skills, knowledge and tools to care for concrete correctly. This is why it is always best to contact a Brisbane concrete cancer repair expert. Whether it's a small crack requiring repair or more complex issues requiring specialised tools, there are issues you're bound to face, and we uncover these in this article and share repairs that work.

Common Concrete Issues

1. Cracking

Typically, two types of cracks afflict concrete: surface and structural. Identifying the type of concrete cancer is critical for choosing the right repair solution.

Hairline cracks or surface cracks are deep but only extend mere millimetres. They materialise as a thin single fracture or are arranged map-like. Fortunately, this type of issue isn't usually a significant issue.

Structural cracks are usually large, at least 5mm more than hairline cracks. These cause structural damage and weaken the concrete, so they must be managed reasonably quickly.

Cracks in concrete usually appear due to:

  • Improper curing

  • Watery concrete mix

  • Inadequate concrete cutting.

A concrete sealer or a liquid filler will suffice for simple hairline crack fixes. However, structural cracks require:

  • Match filler with existing structure colour

  • Mix water with patching compounds

  • Trowel mixture into the cracks.

A professional has the suitable materials and matching ability to do this job seamlessly.

2. Discolouration

When a concreting job has been done inadequately, you will likely notice stripes, blotches or discoloured surface spots. Either bad weather or poor curing likely causes the issues. However, usually, it's because the concrete mix ratio was not quite right.

Fixing discolouration isn't simple and requires an involved procedure. If the issue is mild, it requires a cleansing process using hot water with a stiff brush. However, for more severe problems, acid treatment is required.

3. Curling

A common issue with concrete is curling which occurs when there is a difference in the moisture and temperature between the bottom and top of the concrete structure. The result is distortion and a "curl" up and down, which causes the surface to be uneven and causes the slab to have unsupported areas. For less than a quarter-inch of curling, it's not usually a concern.

The cause commonly occurs because of unprofessional curing, high content of water and irregular concrete joint placement. If you're concerned about curling, there are methods of fixing it available that depend mostly on what you can afford to spend. Options available include:

  • Concrete cutting for control joints

  • Wetting or grinding the slab

  • Removing or replacing the slab.

Fixing curling issues is expensive, so we recommend waiting for the problem to stop before undergoing repairs. Weekly measurements using a level can identify when the spread has stopped.

4. Scaling

Scaling refers to any flaking or chipping of the concrete surface, usually caused by improper and rushed curing, freeze-thaw and water seepage. It easily spreads throughout the whole surface.

While you can call a professional to remove the whole slab for you, it can be patched using a compound that is colour matched. Otherwise, you can use an overall to resurface the concrete.

Repair Solutions for Concrete

1. Control Joints

When cutting slabs of concrete using concrete, specific cutting saw blades are standard. Using these concrete-specific tools prevents cracking of the concrete and from breaking when it moves due to moisture loss.

2. Scan Before Cutting

An essential step is to scan before cutting to locate any hidden issues or objects that can cause errors and injury. There is less chance of mistakes and damage to people and tools by scanning first.

3. Curing

Integral to the concrete pouring process, it cannot be rushed. Engaging inadequate tools or not being patient with the time it needs to cure will cause many of the problems we explore above.

Contact Precise Cut & Core

Solving minor issues are ok as DIY jobs; however, when it comes to cracked, curling, discolouration or scaling issues, we recommend contacting our team of concrete cancer repair, who are specialists in their field and will efficiently complete the job to a high standard.


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